Background to the name of the Trust. Following on from the resurgence of interest in the Catholic
origins of the Church of England through the Oxford Movement, Protestant
Anglicans ensured the passing of the Public
Worship Regulation Act, which came into force on 1 July 1875.
By the end of August proceedings were started against Father C.J. Ridsdale, S.S.C., Vicar of St Peter, Folkestone, On 3 February 1876, in what the Protestant Church Association called 'one of the most absolute condemnations of ritualistic practices that has yet been delivered', Lord Penzance ruled against Fr Ridsdale on the twelve points complained of, including the eastward position, vestments, wafer bread, commixture, altar lights, the Agnus Dei, processions, the Stations of the Cross, and the erection of a crucifix on the rood screen. After the judgment, Fr Ridsdale announced that he would retain the
mixed chalice, altar lights, and vestments in obedience to the Ornaments
Rubric and in defiance of the courts, unless granted a dispensation by his
diocesan bishop, the Archbishop of Canterbury. . This Archbishop Tait
conceded and so Fr Ridsdale, deferring to the bishop rather than the law,
dropped the other offending practices. 'Black Sheep' from Punch, 18 December 1869:-
Archbishop Tait has a crook which reads PUBLIC WORSHIP REGULATION BILL, the
black sheep have RITUALISM written on their backs, the wall is called
ESTABLISHED CHURCH, and the sign post is TO ROME. The Trust
The Trust was set up on All Saints’ Day, 1978 by the then Parish
Priest, Fr Francis Capener M.A., now a Catholic Priest in Folkestone, and
three parishioners. It was Registered with the Charity Commission on 8th
December 1978. The Trust’s area of operation is the Ecclesiastical parish of St Peter, Folkestone, and the Trust’s Objects are defined as: The advancement of the Christian religion in the parish of St. Peter’s Folkestone and the promotion and maintenance of the
Catholic tradition of the Church of England in the parish of St. Peter’s
church Folkestone and for the upkeep and maintenance of the fabric and
contents of St. Peter’s church Folkestone. To see the Charity Commission pages for the Trust, go to: http://www.charitycommission.gov.uk/find-charities/ Applications for GrantsThe trustees welcome application for grants from Charitable
organisations, which, in the view of the Trstees, would help them, meet one
or more of their Charity’s Objects. There is no application form, and the Trustees do not meet on any
fixed schedule. If you are interested in finding out more or have a specific
grant application in mind, please email us in the first instance: email Trustees |